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Chandra Namaskar Steps (Moon Salutation) & Benefits

Introduction to Chandra Namaskar Steps

Along with bringing coolness to your body, Chandra Namaskar steps can provide you with many other benefits.

Most people know about chandra namaskar steps and their importance in our daily lives. Due to numerous benefits that yoga offers, our ancestors have been practicing it since ancient times and therefore yoga is still alive and today people are becoming aware and starting to practice it again.

Yoga practice is very beneficial and can help in making our life successful. With the help of yoga, we can lead a healthy life as well as stay away from any kind of stress. Man's old age is also easily cut by its regular practice and people are able to live longer and healthier lives.

There are many yoga asanas and a number of ways to practice them, today we are going to tell you about Chandra Namaskar yoga sequence & Chandra Namaskar Steps or the moon salutation.

Today we are going to talk about tradational Chandra Namaskar in detail, how to perform Chandra Namaskar steps, what are chandra namaskar yoga benefits and the precautions of chandra namaskar.

Chandra Namaskar Step by Step Video

How to Perform Chandra Namaskar Steps

Let us check in detail how to perfrom Chandra Namaskar:

Step 1 of Chandara Namaskar - Pranamasana (Prayer pose)

  • First of all, stand upright to perform the lunar salutation. Then raise your hands upwards. In this, make sure that your back is very straight.
  • After doing this, tilt your body backward. You have to bend back as much as possible.
  • Then open both your hands towards the sky.

Step 2 of Chandara Namaskar - Hastauttan asana (Raised arms pose)

  • In this process, bring your hands down from the waist and bending your hands to the feet.
  • Make a posture that your knees join your head.
  • In this process, you do not have to bend your knees, keep them straight.

Step 3 of Chandara Namaskar - Padahastasana (Hand to foot pose)

  • In this process, you move your left leg backward and keep your feet straight.
  • Then bend your right leg from near the knees. While doing this, half the weight of your body will fall on the knee of your right leg. Now keep your hand near the right leg.

Step 4 of Chandara Namaskar - Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian pose)

  • In this step, you have to stay in the upward position and then try to touch the knee of your left foot from the ground.
  • Then bend your right leg and make a 90-degree angle. After doing this, raise your hands upwards and tilt your waist backward.

Step 5 of Chandara Namaskar - Dandasana (Stick pose)

  • In this process, just as you did in your third step, keep your body weight on the left foot instead of your right foot.
  • Then move your right leg backward and place it near the claws of your hands.

Step 6 of Chandara Namaskar - Shishuasana (Child pose)

  • In this, you have to give weight on the left leg towards the fourth step.
  • Also, try to touch your right leg with the ground.
  • Also, you have to raise your hands upwards.

Step 7 of Chandara Namaskar - Ashtanga Namaskara (Salute with eight parts or points)

  • In this step, put both your hands on the ground below. Then raise the upper part of your waist upwards as much as possible.
  • Repeat this process at least five times.

Step 8 of Chandara Namaskar - Bhujangasana (Cobra pose)

  • In this step, take both your knees off the ground.
  • Now touch your head from the ground as well as place your hands on the ground.

Step 9 of Chandara Namaskar - Parvatasana (Mountain pose)

  • In this, keep both your knees on the ground and tilt your head slightly backward as well as keep your hands upwards.
  • In this process, keep all your weight on the knees.

Step 10 of Chandara Namaskar - Ashwa Sanchalan Asana (Equestrian pose)

  • In this, keep your hands in front and the distance between the two should be up to one and a half feet.
  • Then, sitting with the help of hands and claws, lift the knees slightly above the ground.

Step 11 of Chandara Namaskar - Padahastasana (Hand to foot pose)

  • In this step, sit with the weight on the paws of your feet.
  • Also, touch your hands from the ground.

Step 12 of Chandara Namaskar Hastauttanasana (Raised arms pose)

  • This is the last step of the lunar salutation, in which you have to stand upright and keep your hands in the posture of proof.
  • In this way, your lunar salutation process is completed.
kundalini yoga infographic

Chandra Namaskar Benefits

  • Performing a lunar salutation brings energy into the body. At the same time, the body also gets the power to work.
  • By doing this asana, digestion works better due to which the stomach remains healthy and there are no stomach related problems.
  • By practicing it regularly, the health is good as well as the mind remains calm.
  • Imagination also develops through its practice.
  • By doing this asana in the presence of the moon, you get coolness due to which you get frost.

Precautions of Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation):

  • Whenever you do the lunar salutation posture, you should do it in the direction of the moon. This is only beneficial.
  • Also, do not stress more than your ability.
  • Not good for people having back pain.
  • This asana should be performed only in the presence of a skilled instructor.
  • Pregnant women should not do this asana.
  • If a person's backbone breaks due to any reason, they should not practice it too. You need to take the advice from your doctor first.
  • In this way, you can get its benefits by doing Chandra Namaskar. For this one should practice it regularly.